A Digital Logbook

Since I was about eight years old, one of my hobbies has been to code, to make computer programs. I love the creative process, and also the off chance of finding some new ways of piecing old puzzles together. This post is about my small sailing logbook coding project.

EDIT (18.3.2021): This version of the logbook is now deprecated! For the current version, check this post: Charlotte – Your Digital Crew Member.

Categorized as Data

A Community of Sailing Blogs

UPDATE: The sailing blog collection has been discontinued. It was a fun project, but without that many users, it became a bit expensive to run 😄 Thank you all who participated! ❤️

There’s a lot of people actively sailing (or dreaming about it as we do!) and at the same time publishing blogs and YouTube videos about their adventures. Here’s my humble attempt to bring this community together, with the help of some computer wizardry and magic.