Hanse 388 For Sale

After two seasons of wonderful sailing, our family of six + dog is now making plans for the next boat. As a part of this, we are listing our lovely Hanse 388 for sale!

UPDATE 7.5.2021: OUR BOAT IS NOW SOLD (and to wonderful new owners, if I may add!)

We will be sailing her ourselves for a while more before the actual handover, so the blog will obviously go on! And then there’s the next boat, of course, with all the dreams and designs relating to that, so much more to come 😊.

Today, however, all the cheers and congratulations go out to our dear s/y Charlotte and her lovely new owners! ❤️

Included in the asking price:

  • Hanse 388 (model year 2019, handover 9.5.2019)
  • Factory warranty valid until 9.5.2021!
  • Vinyl wrapped golden color.
  • Full factory specification at the time of purchase. Deck light installed during commissioning. No other custom upgrades.
  • Cruising package, Comfort package, Performance package (FCL sails), Crossover/Code zero, Storm jib, bow thruster, Zeus 12″, B&G 4G radar, microwave, 220V inverter.

Blog posts about the boat:

More details re pricing:

Asking price 196.637 € (VAT included).

She is currently in Turku, Finland.

Please contact me (mikael@humeko.com, +358-45-120 0011) for all enquiries.


  1. Hi Mikael – congratulations on your blog! It is a great achievement.
    Do you have any advice about coffee making on the boat? Not strictly a sailing question…but important to me, as I drink espresso at home and would like to have good coffee on my boat. Thanks.

    1. Thank you!

      And a good question about the coffee! 🙂

      I drink a lot of coffee myself (and do appreciate getting the right taste!), but on our boat, I’ve settled for the easy solution: I heat the water on the gas stove and use my favorite instant coffee: https://www.crema.fi/fi/products/clipper/super-special-instant/4680

      If instant coffee is not your cup of tea, then you could consider a Nespresso machine. I’ve seen some Hanses with those, and they seem to be standard enough to be included in their list of spare parts, but not common enough to be on their current price lists. They are power-hungry, though, so unless you are on shore power, you’d need a good inverter.



    2. Check out handpresso!
      Works @ 15 bar😏
      They have an electric with heating element and pump (12VDC with cigarette plug) and manual one (bicycle pump like) for Illy sized pads.
      I never go anywhere without them😂
      Grtz from Luxembourg

  2. Thanks for those thoughts Mikael. Perhaps I will also look into an Aeropress kit.
    Best wishes in your new boat quest!
    Regards. Michael

    1. Thank you!

      As a side note, I’m trying a switch from coffee to green tea. This is day #1 and to my surprise, I’m still alive 🙂

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