In my previous post I emptied my batteries and discovered that I had a boat problem that I couldn’t safely or legally solve myself.
Tag: HanseYachts
Wind Polars
Sailboat polar diagrams usually tell us what the boatspeed will be, based on wind speed and angle. I thought it would be nice to flip it the other way: if we want to achieve at least, let’s say, three knots of boatspeed, what kind of wind will we need to achieve that?
Upgrade to Season 2.0
With our heads held high and our second season nigh*), here are some things we are thinking about getting to our dear sailboat before next summer.
*) Needed something to rhyme with “high” and this is one word I fell in love with when reading Moby Dick a long, long time ago. (Next to a lake, far, far away in Sweden!)
Hanse Warranty Issues
A commonly held view in the sailing community, I believe, is that brand new boats are riddled with kinks and problems. Therefore, better to buy them second-hand, a couple of years down the road, when the original owner has fixed everything that wasn’t properly done in the first place. I wanted to believe that our Hanse story would turn out differently, that we’d get an “almost perfect” boat from the start. Here’s where we’re at, at the moment.
Hanse 388 Speed and Polars
So, how fast does our Hanse 388 go? This summer, we gathered over twenty million data points to compare our sailing speeds with what HanseYachts’ marketing material had promised. Here are the results.
FAQ About Hanse 388 Options
I’ve received quite a few emails (from all over the world!) from people who are interested in buying a Hanse 388. Some are in the “we’re thinking about it” stage, others are already committed, but have questions about their final selection of options. It’s really cool to get these emails! In this post I’ll share some of the questions I’ve received, as well as my (candid!) answers to them.
Buying vs Chartering a Sailboat
For over a year now, I’ve kept a detailed cost log for our yacht project. There are two questions I’ve tried to find answers to. Firstly, what does sailing a new Hanse 388 really cost? Secondly, if I compare this to chartering costs, would it have been less costly to rent a boat than to buy one— especially given our short sailing season in Finland!
Conventional wisdom says that it’s always cheaper to charter than to own, but I have my doubts.
OMG, It’s Full of …
… barnacles! I just received some whatsapp pictures from the nice person at our winter storage place. They had lifted our dear Hanse yacht out of the water, and then looked at its bottom in disbelief. “No so great,” he texted me.
The Last Day of Summer
After our July summer vacation, unfortunately we didn’t use our yacht that much. We had a big (and exhausting) moving project in August. September was filled with work. And after that, the weather started turning a bit against us. Cold to freezing temperatures, high winds and too much rain.
Hanse 388 Interior: The Aft Cabins
In this post, I will take a look at the two aft cabins in our Hanse 388.